Ethan Coward

Ethan Coward's Website

This website is a showcase of me and my projects. This version of the site is made to follow a neo-brutalist style (It's my first attempt at anything like this!). I'm still working on it, so it's definitely a work in progress.

Technical Stack

This website is built on a modern, robust tech stack:

  • Next.js: React framework for server-side rendering and routing
  • TypeScript: For type-safe code and improved developer experience
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development

Development Journey

This website is actually the third iteration of my portfolio website. The first version was written using Solidjs and was a simple SPA with little content on. The second version was similar to the first, but using Next.js as well as adding more complex features such as Spotify and GitHub integration. Finally, this version is again written in Next.js, but with some fixes and a major style overhaul to follow the neo-brutalist style.

  • First prototype using Solidjs
  • Second prototype using Next.js, but with very similar content
  • Third iteration using Next.js, with a major style overhaul and more content (like this page!)

Future Plans

This website will constantly evolve and change:

  • Highlighting more of my personal projects
  • Updating the style of the site
  • Exploring extra integrations with different platforms
  • General tweaks and feature additions

This site is (and probably always will) be a work in progress. I'll try and keep everything up-to-date, but no promises! Thanks for visiting, and feel free to reach out and contact me if you want a chat.

All the code for this site is available on GitHub. Feel free to fork it and make your own version!